RELEASE – Thursday, January 22, 2016

CONTACT – City of Goldsboro, Community Affairs Department, 214 N. Center Street, Goldsboro, NC

PHONE – 919.580.4359

DATE – January 22, 2016


2016 Annual Interfaith Breakfast


The City of Goldsboro in partnership with Wayne County and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base is hosting the Annual Interfaith Breakfast.  The Human Relations Month Proclamation will be presented and three local ministers will present their thoughts on the Human Relations topic of “Unity”.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. at First Christian Church, 1609 E. Ash Street, Goldsboro, NC. Cost $7.50. Please R.S.V.P. no later than Tuesday, February 1, 2016. Community Affairs Office 919.580.4359


*This will be a one-hour program*