Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY24-25 Available Online

On Monday, May 20, Interim City Manager Matt Livingston and Finance Director Catherine Gwynn will present the Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY2024-2025 to the City Council. The total proposed budget is nearly $86.5 million, an increase of $9.8 million. The bulk of the general fund increase — $6.3 million — is dedicated primarily to salary increases for police and fire department personnel. The budget also includes a 2.5% cost of living adjustment for all employees. The increases will be effective in the first full pay period in July. A proposed 15-cent property tax increase has been recommended to fund the salary increases. For a homeowner with a house valued at $175,000, this represents an increase of $263 (see chart below). The additional $3.5 million is being funded through anticipated revenue increases and $1.1 million from the fund balance.

“During the Council’s strategic planning retreat in January, each council member listed reducing violent crime as their number one priority,” Livingston said. “This budget reflects that commitment to public safety by funding police and fire pay increases up to and above the mid-point or average for our region. The new pay structure is already improving Goldsboro’s ability to attract more officers. The police department is receiving more applicants than they have in the past decade.” 

The proposed budget also includes a 7 percent water and sewer rate increase, which translates to a $5.92 monthly increase for residential inside rates and an $11.06 monthly increase for residential outside rates. This increase is needed to continue building capital reserves for the treatment plant expansion, which is expected to start in four years. 

The budget is available for review online at

The public is invited to speak at the FY24-25 Budget public hearing on June 3 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall, 214 N. Center Street.